Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Alaska 2011

We took our dream vacation (Henry's dream vacation) to Alaska this summer.  No, we did not take a cruise.  Instead, our 2 families flew to Anchorage, rented 2 SUV's for 10 days and drove from Anchorage to Denali NP to Homer and Seward and back to Anchorage.  It was fabulous trip.

We saw Mt.McKinley in all it's splendor and majesty.  We saw moose, caribou, dahl sheep, a blonde grizzly bear, eagles, foxes and more.  We came up close with glaciers, whales, puffins, sea lions and more. Henry went halibut and salmon fishing and he caught a 35 lb halibut in Kachemak Bay in Homer.

Our two families had a wonderful time and rented nice vacation homes in both Homer and Seward.  We all gained 5 lbs.each because of the fabulous food Alaska has to offer: seafood, sandwiches, steaks. All expensive, but fresh and tasty. The Alaskans were all very friendly and personable.

We took nearly 1,100 photos from 3 separate cameras.  Henry made an 18 minute music video of our trip, but it was too big to post on YouTube or this blogspot.  Therefore, I split it into 2 separate videos.  I hope you enjoy the photos, video and music.

Part 1: Days 1-5.

Part 2: Days 6-10.