Monday, December 1, 2014

Heartfamily 2014 Year in Review

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance."  James 1:2-3.  Just when we thought 2013 was a tough year, 2014 was even more challenging.

Starting January 1st, Henry went on sabbatical after serving 12 of the past 13 years as Elder of EFC Los Angeles/HarvestLA.  It was a well-needed rest.  Henry could focus on finishing the Ashland House in Santa Monica.  After 15 months of construction, they passed final inspection, got the utilities up and moved into the new home.  Although Henry and Erin were both very excited to move in, Alice and Ryan were sad and had a difficult time moving out of the Rose house after 22 years.  There were so many good memories at that house, but Henry assured Alice and Ryan that there will be plenty more good memories to be made in the new house.  The Ashland house did not "feel like a home" until a week or so after we all moved in.  Erin finished her freshman year and was able to move home with us.  

What made the transition even more difficult was that our 8 yr. old doggie, Angel had a slipped disk in her vertebrae that paralyzed her rear legs.  She required back surgery just 4 weeks before the big move. She needed to rehab, and would require 4-6 months of healing time.  Henry and Alice worried about her going up and down the stairs. Like Henry's accident in 2008, she'll never be completely 100%, but she's doing great now.

The next big life change was to get the Rose house ready for rent.  It took several months to sort out, pack, sell, donate and throw out 22 years of stuff.  In the end, we threw away, donated or sold (big weekly garage sales) 1/3 of our "stuff."  If we didn't use it for 10 years, it was time to let it go.  Henry even sold his 1st bike from his childhood (boo-hoo.) We had to renovate the Rose house to make it ready to rent out. Thank God that the westside property home rentals were in high demand. Even the burst water hose in the master bathroom was a blessing from God in disguise.  It helped pay for a lot of the renovation costs.

John Kudo
2014 will also be remembered for the passing of one of Henry's best friends, John Kudo. John was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer Stage 3.  God took his life in about 3 months.  He just turned 50.  It was fast and difficult for Joanne and the family.  Henry visited John every week or sometimes twice a week, and even took him to a doctors appointment.  He got to spend some quality time with him in his last months.  John grew strong in faith and shared the good news of salvation of Jesus Christ to all he encountered, even strangers.  He loved the book and encouraged everyone to read "Heaven is For Real."  I believe that John is in heaven now with the Heavenly Father and Creator of the universe.  Henry and Alice will miss him dearly but hope to see him again when this lifetime is over.

Erin studying abroad in Shanghai, Fall 2014.
Erin finished her freshman year at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA.  She joined a business fraternity AKPsi, and made many great friends. Erin worked all summer at a trendy Japanese Omusubi restaurant called Sunny Blue on Main Street in Santa Monica to save money for excursion trips while studying abroad in Shanghai. For Erin's Year in Review, please click this LINK.

Erin posted her own blog about her Shanghai experience.  To view her blog, simply click HERE. Also during the summer, she had full use of the family Toyota Prius and frequently invited her church and classmates over at the new Ashland house. Henry and Alice thank God for Erin allows us to meet all of her good friends. Her closest friends are quality, pleasant, respectful, wonderful, young men and women.

For Ryan, Henry and Alice consider "2014, the year of parental challenge and hope." Yes, this newsletter is not completely filled with "It's a wonderful life!" There were many days and nights of high emotion, confrontation and prayer.  Ryan faced some serious trials. But they all learned to trust and rely on God. They thank God that their relationship today is much stronger and healthier now. May God give Henry and Alice wisdom as parents to hold their tongues and when to exercise parental authority and sound judgement. It's like the terrible two's all over again but with "the 140 pound version!" Yet, they love him dearly and are really proud of him.  You can click HERE to read about Ryan's Year in Review. 

Lula, Henry, Al and Alice: Navajo 2014
Serving together

For 2014, there were no big vacations; just short weekend getaways.  Quality, not quantity.  For example, this summer, Henry and Alice joined Ryan for his 1 week Navajo missions trip to Flagstaff, AZ.  Henry, Alice and 2 other moms provided cooking and transportation support for the 12 high schoolers.  Henry and Alice were glad to spend their summer vacation serving on a missions trip together with Ryan.

Streets of Willow Springs Race Track
3-day Test Drive: BMW i3
Henry's recent highlights were his automobile experiences:  First it started with a BMW autocross.  Then he was invited to drive the Willow Springs Race Track using his BMW 328i M-Sport.  Lastly, he got to test drive for 3 days, and write a Facebook review, on the new BMW i3 all-electric car.  It was super fun, but not practical for him and Alice.  Henry looks forward to test driving the future Tesla Series 3.

Alice enjoys the new house, the new kitchen and bathrooms, and keeping up the landscape at the Ashland house.  This year, Alice (and Henry somewhat) hosted 70+ students and parents for the HarvestLA annual beach outing and BBQ.  They also hosted missionary couple, Dave and Merrie Neely, for 2 weeks and 3 thanksgiving events.  Whew,.... they are still recovering.  Alice is a very capable planner and hostess. As for Henry.... no comment.  Also, keeping the new bigger house clean and tidy, whilst parenting a big teenager has its challenges.  But Henry and Alice consider themselves simply "stewards" of the house, and that that the house was dedicated to the Lord for His purposes.

Dad turned 81 this year, but he and Chun-mei are busy serving their new church plant, EFC Santa Monica. Chun-mei is the full-time pastor and leads a flock of 13-20 regular attendees on Sundays. Please pray for EFC Santa Monica to grow and maybe find a better time and place to meet than their current 9:30 to 10:45am time slot.  But their fellowship group continues to meet regularly and thrive.

Overall, 2014 was a year of transition (uprooting) and settling down (new roots.)  Henry will remain on sabbatical for 2015.  Alice, Henry, Erin and Ryan look forward to 2015 and what God has in store for them.  Thanks for viewing our e-newsletter.

Erin's Year in Review 2014

Erin started off 2014 by pledging Alpha Kappa Psi's (AKPsi) Pepperdine Chapter, a business fraternity, turning 18 y.o., and finishing her freshman year at the beautiful Malibu campus.  During the summer, she worked at Sunny Blue, a Japanese eatery on that specializes in hand-made Omusubi, on super-trendy Main Street in Santa Monica.  Lastly, she started the Fall semester studying overseas in Pepperdine's Shanghai campus and took a Chinese Art History class in Pudong (Fudan) University.

Erin's professional goal is to become an occupational therapist (OT.) She joined AKPsi, a co-ed business fraternity, because of the benefits networking, new friendships and business training of its pledges.  During her grueling interviews while pledging, she defended that the reason why she wanted to join a business fraternity even though she's not a business major was because "she views her future OT profession like a business" - a business that can benefit from networking and strong business acumen.

During the summer, Erin applied for her first "paying" job (babysitting not counting), interviewed and got a job at Sunny Blue (  Over 700 Yelp! reviewers gave the establishment 4.5 Stars! Well, the food is really good, but not cheap. In her first week of work, she came back with "red, swollen" hands from handling hot rice and constant hand washing.  Sunny Blue specializes in hand-made Omusubi (rice balls, filled with yummy centers, and wrapped with nori.) Eventually, her strength was to work the cash register, smiling and taking with customer orders and, more importantly, memorizing repeat customers' names and orders.  She noticed that those Sunny Blue customers tip really well! They tip so well that she lived off the tips and saved her entire paycheck for her upcoming vacation trips from Shanghai to Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Then on Sept 2, 2014, she and her classmates flew to Shanghai.  Please read all about her experiences, see her pictures and videos of her trip.

Erin FaceTimes with her parents on a weekly basis.  They love the technology that brings them together though they are worlds apart. Erin returns to the USA on or around January 3rd.  Henry, Alice, and her family are looking forward to having her home again.  They are praying for her safe travels as she will be visiting Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Taiwan immediately after her Fall finals (early Dec.2014.)

Ryan's Year in Review 2014

11th Grader
Ryan's year started off with track season. After trying out for various track and field events, he realized that he was best at the Triple Jump.  Maybe his success was due to his lengthy build, or maybe from his years of Taekwondo practices where he had to time his advanced jumps and kicks. The result is that he was very successful in his track meets against other schools.  At the end of the season, Ryan was invited to the Junior Varsity Los Angeles City Finals where he won a Gold medal.  He enjoys Track and Field much better than marching band.

After the season was over, Ryan's summer was full of different short trips and events. Ryan and Henry invited some friends and their dads to a weekend in Mammoth Lakes, CA where they spent a few days fishing. They caught freshwater trout from a couple small lakes. Henry cleaned and cooked the fresh fish both nights.

Ryan was a natural and caught more than a dozen trout, the most of anyone in our group.

The second highlight of the summer was Ryan's missions trip to Flagstaff, AZ to serve alongside Mike Hendricks and native americans on the Navajo reservations.  For one week, Ryan spent 12 hours a day with the local kids, getting to know them, teaching them, sharing their faith and testimonies with them and just playing and having fun with them. Although the days were long and hot, the missions trip was a success.

The final highlight of this year, up to now, was a family trip to Las Vegas.  Ryan was able to see 2 shows including The Blue Man Group and The Penn and Teller magic show.  Though the shows were exciting, the highlight of the trip was the Gun Garage, where Henry and Ryan rented and shot fully automatic machine guns and a high-powered, long-range sniper rifle.  They shot a Mini-Uzi, a MP5, and the infamous AR50, long-range sniper.  The AR50 shot 50 caliber bullets which packed a punch.  The instructor was very helpful and taught us the proper stance, position and firing technique.  The AR50 was so loud and powerful, that they had yell aloud and warn everyone in the indoor shooting range that a 50-cal. was about to make a big boom!    

Ryan using clip-on cleats for the first time.  This was our annual 25 mile roundtrip ride to Redondo Beach to get fresh steamed crab.  Serious noms.