Wednesday, December 30, 2015

2015 Year in Review

Last year, I started my annual blogspot by quoting James 1:2-3:  "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." I also wrote "just when we thought 2013 was a tough year, 2014 was even more challenging."  2015 was filled with even more trials than 2014.  Yet, we are still grateful and joyous in all circumstances.  God's grace is sufficient for us.

For me and my family, this blog is my online diary to reflect on this past year, good and bad.  I don't mind the transparency and honesty.  As they say, "keepin' it real."
  • Angel cancer surgery Feb 20th.  Last year Angel slipped her disk in her vertebrae and had back surgery.  This year, we discovered that she had lymphoma and opted for surgery and prednisone (steroids) to slow the growth of cancer.  There was a high chance that this type of cancer would come back.  Dr. Schulman gave her 3 to 6 months to live.  Chemo could stretch it to 6 to 9 months, but she would be living in misery and sickness.  She recovered after her surgery and acted like a little puppy again, pain-free and happy.  It was a good 3 months.  But in late April/early May, Angel stopped eating.  The cancer had returned.  On May 6th, we said our last goodbyes and lay her to restNo more pain.  No more suffering.  We loved Angel with all our hearts.  She was a such a good doggie. (sigh)
  • MDS 5K walk.  In honor of my mother, Ryan and I ran the AAMDS 5K Run/Walk event. Ryan came in 1st place for his age category.  I came in 2nd place for my 50-55 age group.
  • We welcomed missionaries Mike Hendricks and his daughter Sara as well as Dave and Merrie Neely, Wee Ones for Jesus.
  • We hosted several parties again this year:  HarvestLA Super Bowl bash, Youth ministry Beach & BBQ party, Bridal Shower for our lovely friend Angel (Wu) Chau, and a birthday party and farewell for Pastor Andy Kuo.  This house is a blessing to us.  It is God's house, to be used for His purpose and ministry needs.
  • Hawaii Trip.  In June, we used our Wyndham Vacation timeshare points to book 4 nights in Kona and 3 nights in Waikiki.  We invited Dad and Chun-mei, Kitty and Ma, and our good friend Cathy Yang to come along.  I'm glad Erin and Ryan got to spend some quality time with their Ahgong.  Yet, Ahgong had to be careful spending time with both Chun-mei and his grandkids. It's complicated.
  • 3/4 Fishing Trip.  El Nino is here and the yellowtail and tuna are her in SoCal.  I finally got to take Ryan on a 3/4 party boat to land some yellowtail or maybe a bluefin tuna!  Ryan caught a nice 25-28 lb yellowtail that really tested his strength and endurance.  I was a proud papa to see him reel in that prized catch.  Hamachi is one of my favs.
  • Ma broke her leg.  Ma has been struggling with her balance.  This happens when someone is 93 yrs old!  Yet, Ma is too proud to admit her physical and mental shortcomingsThis summer, Ma tripped over a garden hose and fell, fracturing her tibia just the right knee. Due to her age, they did not perform surgery.  Instead she wore a huge, heavy cast that was nearly the entire length of her leg. Ma stayed in our Santa Monica house for 10 weeks.  We built a wheelchair ramp for her.  We fed her and cared for her 24/7 until she her leg heals. We hired part-time help. What blessing that we met Marife and Eunice.  Marife was Ma's favorite, but Eunice was an angel to pray and support Alice emotionally and spiritually.  This was Alice's GREATEST TRIAL ever.  Today, Ma is living in her own home, still refusing help.  Marife stays 6 nights per week.  Ma is 94 yrs.old now. May God protect her and watch over her, and when it's time to go, may God take her quickly, painlessly and peacefully.  Isn't that what we all wish for?
  • Willow Springs.  This year, Henry got to race his BMW 328i M-Sport at the big track in Willow Springs.  Last year, it was the smaller, twisty Streets of Willow Springs track.  Henry wants a smaller, faster car for 2016, but it may have to wait till 2020, when Henry and Alice can hopefully finish paying college tuition.
  • Non-renewal of Pastor Andy and the resignation of Pastor David Tsai.  This was an incredibly challenging year at EFCLA/HarvestLA.  The non-renewal of Pastor Andy Kuo, our beloved youth pastor, was non-renewed by Senior Pastor Benson Wang and supported by nearly all the Elders Board (except Morris Tien.)  3 months later, both Pastors Ming-len Jien and David Tsai turned in their resignation.  God was shaking up EFCLA/HarvestLA.
  • Wed night prayer meeting. As a result of the crisis at EFCLA/HarvestLA, we began meeting faithfully every Wednesday night to come together and pray. Pray for the church, for individual prayer requests, and pray for guidance and direction for church members trying to understand and seek God's will in this crisis.  When the smoke cleared, the dust settled and a clear vision was set before us, we knew that this crisis was God's calling for me and many others to start an English only church plant, focusing on family, student and youth ministry in the western San Gabriel Valley (SGV).
  • Generations Church LA.  After months of praying, planning began.  We began to meet weekly. First the calling:  Who is our target and focus of the new church plant?  Next the vision and mission statement.  Then the church name, Generations Church.  Then the website domain, and now the relocation at Rio Hondo Prep School in Arcadia, CA, the heart of our target community.
  • Poker nights & Hollywood Bowl.  Alice and I had our annual Hollywood Bowl double-date night with Steve and Marianne.  We always look forward to this.  This year, we listened to 70's,80's band Heart ("Barracuda") rock the Bowl.  Also, this year, we began playing Texas Hold'em poker night hosted by good friends, Bob & Helen.  It's 4 or 5 hour marathon of eating and gambling (USD$10.00 buy in).  Good fun.  Henry and Alice were big winners and walked away $4 richer (total) the last time out!  Whooohoo.
  • Date nights walks to Main Street. Also this year, Alice and Henry began walking to Santa Monica's Main Street to eat and drinkNo Uber please.  It's a nice 1.5 miles walk to the nice restaurants and shops.  You burn most of your calories walking there and back. One of their favorites is the Anchor for lobster rolls, wine and side dishes. Come join us sometimes! 
  • Moose Ting.  On Dec.4th, we picked up our 8 week old puppy, Moose.  With great joy, the HeartFamily would like to announce the newest addition to the familyMoose Ting, an mini Australian labradoodle.  Heartfamily5 is now family members again.  Moose is super smart, easy to train and has a loving and gentle personality.  He is a good boy and almost potty trained.  Not bad for a puppy.  He will grow up to be around 20 lbs.
  • Back from Shanghai
  • Tough year, school and AKPsi
  • Gus is back
  • Uploaded 2 songs
  • Work at Pepperdine Wedding Services
  • Got a new car from Ahgong
  • Drivers permit Jan 6th
  • SAT prep  ELITE
  • Track & Field triple jump
  • College tour road trip
  • 3/4 Day fishing
  • San Diego Trip
  • Drivers license
  • Eagle Project
  • College applications