Monday, December 20, 2021

2021 and 2020 Year in Review

I skipped my 2020 Year In Review. Here's recap of major events of 2020.  Posting on this blog helps me to remember the key events of each year, and reminds me to count my blessings and be content.  

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Phil.4:11-13


KITTY LAU went to be with the Lord.  When her cancer came back in late 2019, she fought bravely and courageously.  She stayed with Henry and Alice so that they can care for her, and be close to her.  Then in February 2020, as a critical care nurse, she knew that she needed to be hospitalized.  The day before she passed, she bravely said her goodbyes to all her fellow doctors and nurses at Providence St. John's in Santa Monica.  Close church friends and family friends came by to say their farewells.  She was ready to meet to Jesus, and the Lord took her quickly and painlessly.  She passed from this life to the next on Valentine's Day 2020.

ERIN GRADUATED, SJSU O.T. (Masters.)  In May, Erin officially graduated from the OT (occupational therapy) program with San Jose State. It was an online graduation ceremony.  We are so proud of her.  She passed her State Board exams and starting working.  She does in-home patient visits, working with the elderly.

SANTA MONICA BLM RIOTS.  During the May 31st Santa Monica riot, a looter and 2 accomplices (lookout & driver) broke into our motel's housekeeping break-room.  Fortunately, there was nothing worth taking (do you want a mattress or pillows?)  It was a $1,500 glass door repair bill. The amazing story is that one of our guests was a handyman who helped us board up the door.  He was truly a god-send.  In those troubled days, there was both the ugliness and kindness of humanity.  Well, it's only a nuisance fix.  At least no one was hurt nor injured.
ERIN TING MARRIES GUS SCHILLACI. Erin and Gus planned to get married in June 2020 and have a small banquet and celebration with close family and friends. But the County continued to forbid gatherings.  The pandemic seemed to be here to stay for a while.  .  Instead, they got married at the OC Courthouse and came back to our Santa Monica house for private dinner, organized by cousin Phillip Lin.  More about the banquet and food later.  Let's not take away from Erin and Gus' wedding day.  It was a sweet and intimate celebration with the Schillaci and Ting-Lau family, + groomsman & bridesmaid.

WEDDING BANQUET.  This section deserves its own section.  Well, the bad news is that we were still in a pandemic. The good news is that my cousin Phillip was able to have chef Jonathan Kim and assistant chef, Justin Valdez prepare and cook for us a Michelin-Star worthy dinner.  May I say that it was one of the best meals that I've EVER HAD (period!)  Please enjoy the drool-worthy pictures of the private wedding banquet and food.  Pictures of the banquet food (click here.)

RYAN ATTENDS CSULB.  Ryan transferred to CalState Long Beach's hospitality program.  He had to commute to some classes, as some were food prep labs that required in-person learning. He hopes to graduate in Summer/Fall 2022.  During the summer and Sundays during the school year, he works the front desk of the Comfort Inn.

KEE-LAN KAO LAU TURNS 99.  I am glad that Ma was able to see her granddaughter get married.  We were able to have a Zoom birthday party for her and her family from Norcal, San Diego, and Midtown Los Angeles.  Caregiving for mom was not easy (this is a major understatement.)  She fell several times when Alice was not around, so we decided to find another caregiver.  Then we found Yulan from China, a referral from Mrs. Kong ("Kong-mama".)  She was perfect for mom.  Together with Marife, we were able to provide 24/7 help.  They both took loving care of mom.  Praise God.  Due to the pandemic, Alice (85%), Henry (10%), Ryan (5%) would drive Marife to and from mom's house to Van Nuys 5 days/week, because we did not want Marife to take the public bus. 

PANDEMIC HOBBIES.  We purchased a badminton set, ping pong table-top topper (over dining room table) and a billiard/pool table for the covered patio/lanai. We played board games and Henry & Alice started building LEGO sets - Henry's new obsession.

KEE-LAN KAO LAU went to be with the Lord, October 8, 2020.  At age 99, she died of natural causes.  Mom was also a woman of faith:  Many would hear say or hear her praying to God to "take me quickly" in English or Chinese.  God was merciful and Mom went peacefully to the Lord. Alice & Henry were with her when she passed.  She was finally at rest and in God's perfect peace.

THREE FUNERALS IN 13 MONTHS.  It has been a difficult few years for Alice and Henry. They had to bear the loss of Henry's father, Elder Charles Ting who passed in Sept 2019, Alice's sister Kitty in Feb 2020, and then Alice's mom in Oct.2020.  At first, I questioned why God would take Kitty first, and not Mom. But over time, they saw God's perfect plan.  Still, it was very difficult losing Kitty.  Henry & Alice prayed God could've given her more time to be with us. Yet, a few extra years, even a decade or two more, is nothing compared to goal of living in eternity in heaven with God and Christ. 

"For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." Phil.1:21(NIV)


SAFE DURING THE PANDEMIC.  Henry has kept employees, staff and customers safe from Covid at the Comfort Inn Santa Monica, implementing the latest and most effective safety procedures and protocols. He used all available resources from his commercial insurance practice.  He tries to balance both full-time jobs, taking care of his insurance clients, while working from the motel office. Yet, he loves not needing to commute to Alhambra as often anymore (2-3x per month.) This may change as the partners want employees to return to the office after the major office renovation at New Century's Alhambra office is completed.

CHICAGO, Zionsville, IN, Louisville, KY

Attending Henry's niece's wedding in Louisville, KY was a great excuse to visit Chicago, Zionsville and Carmel, IN and to meet Gus' family.  Henry & Alice looked forward to all the food and attractions that the midwest had to offer.  In Chicago, they ate all the "must-try" Chicago fare (hot dogs, deep dish pizza, beef sandwich) as well as amazing Italian & steak restaurants.  They visited two jazz clubs, visited museums and walked the parks. In Zionsville, IN, they met their in-laws, Jim and Adelyn and saw their beautiful house and town, where Gus grew up.  They met and loved Gus' grandparents, Dixe and Ken and had a great time together.  After one night in Carmel, they were off to Louisville.  Josephine (niece) and Adam Gilbert had a beautiful outdoor wedding and banquet. Henry got to meet his "grandnephews." Wow, Henry sounds old now.  It was nice catching up with cousins Hong, his wife Helen, niece Jessica, her husband Nate and their boys. So cute.

5 days into their trip and they had yet see to any cicadas.  Then on the last day, they saw, heard and touched cicadas; a small swarm of cicadas.  Now their trip was complete.  Hey, these type of cicadas, Brood X, only come out once every 17 years!  It was cool.  I hear there are good recipes for cicadas (haha.)


In 2021 Alice and Henry continued to collect and build complex LEGO sets. It is Henry's way to unwind and relax in the evenings.  Alice does all the sorting and preparation of pieces; Henry assembles.  You should see the calluses on his hands now.  So burly!  Alice enjoys finding and sorting; Henry enjoys building.  What a great team!  Their favorites this year was the Liebherr 9000 excavator with 6 motors and the Star Wars AT-AT.


Like every other family, our family went to Hawaii (it seems like every one is/was flying there during the pandemic!) It's funny, one of the mayors (Maui?) asked people to stay away as they couldn't handle any more tourists. LOL.  We had a great time.


New for 2021 includes getting to know and appreciate Ryan's girlfriend Dana, going to Dodgers games, enjoy fine tailgating wining & dining at the Hollywood Bowl, going to the bay area for Erica (Tien) & Riley's wedding, as well as Henry & Alice long awaited trip to Disneyland and riding the amazing Star Wars Rise of the Resistance.  We hooked up with Marjorie who works in Frontierland!  We had a quick trip down to San Diego and enjoyed the short but immersive VanGogh exhibit in Hollywood.


Henry was glad that the motel façade renovation at the motel was finally approved by the City.  He is currently getting bids from a very short list of general contractors.  Groundbreaking should begin the end of February 2022, immediately after the Super Bowl and Genesis Open at the Riviera Country Club. Henry's father, Elder Charles Ting, started the renovation design 4-5 years ago.  Now Henry gets to see the project come to fruition.

Thank you to anyone who actually perused and visited my blogspot.  ✋ High Five!