Wednesday, November 15, 2023

2023 Year in Review

Even if no one reads my annual Year-in-Review blogspot, I enjoy writing, and short-journaling at all the milestones events of Henry and Alice's family life.  God is good.

Palm Springs Dec.2022
Summer 2023
Summer 2023 - Tim & Teewa's wedding

On January 1, 2023, GCLA moved into ACS (Arcadia Christian School) after 6 years at the old place on Broadway in Temple City.  The auditorium HAS AIR CONDITIONING!  PTL.  First Lutheran's sanctuary got up to 104 deg during a summer heat wave. It was especially difficult the elderly and babies.  It was then that we knew we had to move. But where?  Then it was God's perfect timing, as the church that previously occupied ACS had to move out, and we were desparately looking for a new place.  Now, it's a wonderful new home, with plenty of space, storage, and easy-going landlords.  Come visit us at 11:15am on Sundays at  Pastor Mike is a gift Lead Pastor and preacher.

RYAN turned 25.  It was a big milestone.  Medical experts say that for males, men's brains do not fully develop till age 25. It was true of Ryan (and Henry.) We are amazed by how mature, helpful and loving Ryan has become.  He and Dana celebrated their 2 year anniversary together as boyfriend/girlfriend.  He feels that he still has a lot of growing up and is very career-minded at this time.
Ryan turned 25 in January (soon to be 26)

SPAIN & PORTUGAL (Jan 26 to Feb 7)  <== please click to see our Iberian peninsula trip pics.
For Ryan's combined birthday and graduation gift, we booked a Globus tour through Spain & Portugal.  Of course, Alice and Henry came along.  It was great deal: Off-season, round-trip for around $1,800pp.  We loved the seafood in Spain and Portugal.  The BEST SEAFOOD EVER was a Ramiro's Cerverercia in Libson, Portugal.  Just watch Anthony Bourdain, or Feeding Phil (Netflix) and see how they rave about this place.  It's a must try when in Lisbon. In fact, I'd fly to Lisbon, Barcelona, Seville and Madrid all over again just for the fantastic food and value.  The 4 of can eat like the celebrities and only spend less than $50 per person due to the strong USD to Euro.
Upon returning from our tour of the Iberian peninsula (Spain/Portugal), Ryan began looking for a full-time.  Within a month he landed the perfect position at the perfect hotel: The Viceroy, a 4-star hotel located on Ocean Ave in Santa Monica, less than 5 min from home.  It's a great way to get his foot into the hospitality industry.  Unfortunately, it was a union job with Local 11.  Well, we'll just stop at this point.  But I'm glad that Ryan got to experience the differences between a privately-own, non-union, franchise motel operates differently from a unionized, high-end, luxury boutique hotel.  We are all proud of his work ethic, his people skills, and the humility and understanding to "work one's way up from the bottom" and get recognized by his peers and management.  Social media reviews often compliment the great service and helpfulness of "the asian guy at the front desk."  LOL, he's the only asian at the front desk.

With our friends, Steve and Marianne, the four of us celebrated our wedding anniversaries (1 day apart) by going to Vegas and seeing STING.  It was fabulous!  He was fabulous.  Alice and I really enjoy seeing and hearing these great artists during their Vegas residencies.

After the anniversary trip to Vegas, Henry had to fly back to Vegas for the annual Choice Hotels Annual Convention.  As Henry's second career, he is trying to learn as much as he can.

EUROPEAN RIVER CRUISE (May 27 to June 8) <== please click to see our river cruise pics.

The AMA Waterways river cruise aboard the Amabella ship was the highlight of the year for Henry & Alice.  They traveled with their good friends, Steve and Marianne.  Together, the celebrating their 31st and 35th anniversaries, respectively.  Prague (3 night), followed by a bus ride to Regensburg, Germany where their tour group embarked on a 7-night cruise along the Danube river, through Germany, Austria, Slovakia and to finally to Budapest, Hungary.  They would highly recommend this river cruise.  But be careful to not book river cruises during a drought (insufficient river water levels.)  Henry's coworker warned that he and all the cruise-goers on their Viking Rhein River cruise had switch ships several times and even travel by bus in long stretches because the river's water levels were too low.  How horrible.  I'm glad we had no issues.  It was perfect.

Finally after more than 15 months, delays due to unforeseen, extended demolition, construction change orders, and City inspections, Henry's motel finally passed its final inspection.  Though there cost overruns and fights the general contractor, all the subcontractors did great work and all were very happy with the end product.  The motel reviews are starting to increase now that Phase 1 construction is done.  Phase 2 began in November 2023:  New roof, all new paint job, rain gutters, decking, and parking lot resurfacing and re-striping.  Henry can finally see the light at the end of tunnel:  He means retirement-tunnel, LOL.  He's been trying to balance his insurance worklife at New Century Insurance Services with the motel's renovation projects.  Fortunately there are many very competent New Century coworkers to share and help service his clients and steady stream of prospect referrals.

Our family has been playing a lot of mahjong together - Hong Kong style.  Erin, Gus, Ryan and Henry are all learning Canto, like "Fat Choy", "Dong Fong" etc.  And our favorite term to call out, "TZEE-MOK!" and "WU!"  Henry still can't figure out the East, West, North, South tiles.  OMG.

Henry and Alice have run out of interest in any current and upcoming LEGO kits to build.  They only want to build rare and challenging kits.  Together, an 1800 piece set can be finished in a weekend.  Thanks to Alice's sorting skills and Henry's strong, calloused fingers, from his years of assembling LEGO pieces together.  In 2023, they added the following new favorites to their collection: The Eiffel Tower, Pacman, Nintendo SuperMario Bros, and The Grand Piano.  Click on the link above to see some of the kits "in action."

Hollywood Bowl
Our annual tradition.  Henry & Alice love to bowl in style. This year, box seats and "Tchaikovsky with Fireworks" with the LA Philharmonic.

GRANDCHILDREN.  Nope, just dog-sitting Zoro (left), our Grand-pup.  Moose "tolerates" Zoro and they get along well, until Zoro gets his "zoomies" after breakfast and after dinner.  They are starting to really get along now. 

In October, Henry and Alice  flew to Sacramento, rented a Tesla via, experienced "range anxiety" with the Tesla, but had a wonderful 3-night break in Napa, CA.  With Henry working two full-time jobs, he felt the need to getaway and take a much needed, but short vacation.  Lucky for Alice.

After the facade renovation, Henry began Phase 2: Roofing, painting, facia repair, decking, and parking lot repair.  We are extremely grateful to Taylor Swift for helping the greater LA County economy.  I'm a Taylor Swift fan now.  We had record-breaking, figuratively-speaking, week of revenues, thanks to all the Swifties taking over Socal during the 6-concert event.

Henry and Alice deep-fried 3 turkeys this year: One for the church potluck, one for the Friendsgiving thursday dinner, and one for the "gi-normous" Liao/Yeh family thanksgiving reunion luncheon.  Alice and Henry hosted over 50 family members and guests.