Thursday, December 15, 2011

Erin's Year in Review

It’s a little ridiculous how quickly years go by. I find myself at sixteen years old, a junior in high school, and half-awake everyday. 2011 has been very satisfying, as well as tiring. Apart from the stressful start of junior year and the end of my social life, I’ve been able to experience new things and visit new places. The family vacation destination this year was Alaska. To be honest, I probably wasn’t the most excited person when I found out, but as the trip began and eventually ended, I ended up having a heck of a time. The blue glaciers and the moose are sights that I’ll never forget. Hahaha. I also got to go to Page, Arizona for Navajo missions for the fourth year in a row over the summer. The team and I spent the week teaching VBS and giving piggyback rides to adorable Navajo children. Watching God work through my team members and the children was truly a blessing to see. Junior year, as expected is exhausting, stressful, depressing, and all around bad, but somehow God has given me a decent amount of sleep and a strong group of friends to survive on. I’ve started a Youtube channel with my good friend George and together, we have had over 4,000 views. We also played at The Hill, an Asian American Christian conference where we served as outdoor entertainment. I currently have tendonitis in my wrist and cannot play tennis, type, play piano, or even text for a few months which makes it difficult to get through the day. I know everything has been out of order, but I forgot to mention that I finished my Certificate of Merit and is now done with piano forever!!!!  Haha just kidding. If I could, I would be playing a few festivals here and there, but unfortunately tendonitis has stopped all activites. Yay! I’ve also decided to volunteer at Saint John’s hospital in the post partum unit. I make baby bracelets and give the new mommies juice. It's a very satisfying job. Uhm… I’m not really sure what else to write and this has kind of turned into a brag session… so I shall now list a few things that I like.
I like:
-passion fruit green tea with boba
-sleeping in
-frozen yogurt
-Criminal Minds
-Mario Kart
-“Indie Alternative” music
-food in general….

See more of my videos at TwoSimpleEG

I apologize for this poorly written entry.... thank you for taking the time to read this (: Until next year!

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