Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2017 Year in Review

Forgive me for being late on posting my 2017 Year in Review.  As you may or may not know, my father, Elder Charles Ting, has stage 3B or stage 4 lung cancer - Adenocarcinoma.  In October this year, a mass was found in the lower right lung.  They ran a PT scan and performed a biopsy shortly afterwards.  It grew from 38mm to 50mm in 41 days.  The weekend after thanksgiving, we were notified that Dad had lung cancer.  Within 2 weeks, we saw 3 cancer specialists (St.John's, Cedars Sinai, and City of Hope) and thoracic surgeon, Dr. McKenna at St. John's.  After nearly 2 weeks after the biopsy of the lymph nodes near dad's lower trachea, the mutation analysis came back as EGFR Exon 21 a common form of cancer found in Asian never-smoker men.  The good news is that there is an FDA approved "magic  pill" that is 70-80% effective.  The challenge is that the most recent version of this drug was recently approved by the FDA (more effective and less side effects) but Blue Shield of CA his Medicare Plan D Rx plan, has not approved his use of this drug. For more updates, please visit my  CaringBridge website.

Alice and Henry Year in Review

Ryan went back to SDSU and Erin left for Vietnam to volunteer at an orphanage for a month.  Alice and Henry were finally "empty-nesters"!  It was actually very peaceful and tranquil.  Our house stayed cleaner for a lot longer.  No more picking up after Erin and Ryan.  Well, Moose is still messy, but 1 dog is sometimes easier than 2 adult children.

In 2017, Henry and Alice served faithfully at Generations Church LA, a new church plant started on Feb.7, 2016.  Henry served as the Chairperson, worship team leader, and Friday night adult fellowship coordinator.  Alice faithfully help set up for the Sunday morning services, help set up the weekly "light snacks."  Henry also chaired the Lead Pastoral Search Committee (PSC).  For Henry, serving as Chairperson was like another full-time job:  Biweekly meetings with Pastors Andy Kuo, Jaylenn Wong, and Dr. Rick Cook; monthly Core meetings; and biweekly PSC Skype meetings.  In the end, Henry was very disappointed that no one clear pastor was approved/passed by the Core leaders.  The decision was wait - to not select from any of the current prospects and candidates. Many were quality, amazing men of God, but just not the exact right fit/right person at this time.

In February, Henry got to race BMW's at the BMW Performance Center in Thermal, CA (near Palm Springs.)  He got to race at nearly 130 MPH in M3's at the big race track, raced in M240i's in several autocrosses, drag raced M5, X5M5, and X6M, and raced on the super slippery wet-track.  It was a super fun day.  Boy, driving 65-75 mph on the freeway seemed soooooo slow afterwards.

Alice and Henry celebrated their 25th anniversary at Carmel by the Sea.  It was a much needed get-away.  Now that Erin lives at home, it's easier for Henry & Alice to get away, because Erin can care for Moose.

Alice and Henry also spent 4 nights in Portland, OR.  That was also a super nice trip.  Flying Spirit Airlines (once and never again), dining near Lake Oswego, hiking to Multnomah Falls, see the Oregon coastline, visiting Tillamook Cheese's visitor center, and by highly-rated quirky restaurants and food trailer/food truck stops.  That was also a nice getaway.

In August, Alice, Henry, Erin and Ryan finally got to take a family vacation together.  Because Ryan worked all summer at the Comfort Inn Santa Monica, and because Erin volunteered at the senior center, it was tough to find a mutually available block of time to vacation together.  We decided to go to Vegas to eat and relax together.  Another well needed vacation.

In October, Henry attend Game 7 of the World Series, Dodgers vs Houston Astros. Though the Dodgers lost, it was an experience of lifetime.  Not many can say they attended a Game 7 of the World Series.  Maybe next year the Dodgers will win it all.  Go Dodgers.

Henry's work continues to be a trial and a blessing.  Growing customers have become more demanding, yet he is thankful that his clients are growing.  He gained some new customers and lost some older ones.  Yet, overall, the agency hit record numbers, in premium, revenues, bonuses and profit-sharing.  God is good.  With God's grace, hopefully 2018 will be a banner year too.

This bring us back to thanksgiving and Christmas 2017, and a happy new year.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours this season.  If you are in-town and get a chance please stop by on Sunday mornings and visit us at Generations Church LA.

Erin Ting Year in Review

In January 2017, Erin went to Vietnam to serve in an orphanage for a month.  She met with many volunteers who flew in from all different countries.  Erin's from Denmark and New Zealand are visiting Los Angeles in January 2018.

In 2018, Erin had an internship shadowing an OT for special needs children in the Malibu/Palisades school district.  She also volunteered nearly 200 hours at the Senior Center, her passion in life is to be with and work with senior citizens.  She "walks" and spends time with these cute seniors.

Though Erin finished her schooling in Pepperdine in Dec.2016, she attended graduation ceremonies in April 2017.  It was great to see her "walk" alongside her best friends.  The saddest part of graduation is that all her friends have jobs and will be spread apart. At least they can still have reunions and get-togethers when they are in town.

Erin and Gus celebrated their 3 year anniversary together, since they met at the Pepperdine Shanghai study abroad program.  I am proud of them for both actively attending ARK, their Thursday night young adult bible study and life group. Pastor Jaylenn Wong and his newlywed bride Emily Painter shepherd this dynamic group of young adults.  Erin and Gus also serve together at Generations Church LA on Sundays.  Gus can often be found on many lazy Sunday afternoons watching football and having dinner with the Ting family on Sunday nights.  Sometimes, Erin and Gus cook dinner for me and Alice.  That's a nice treat.  Gus is working full-time at PWC (Price Waterhouse Cooper) in Downtown LA.

Recently, Erin applied to several graduate schools for OT (occupational therapy.)  She will likely focus on OT for the elderly, because she truly enjoys working with them.  Personally, I hope she gets into USC for OT school so she can live and home and commute to the East LA campus (near General Hospital) for her schooling and training.  She'll find out which school(s) accept(s) her in March 2018.  In the meanwhile, she can "gopher" for her Ahgong (Elder Charles Ting) and can drive them places, if necessary.

Ryan Ting Year in Review

Ryan had a GREAT TIME his freshman year at SDSU (San Diego State University).... maybe too great of a time because his grades weren't very good.  So for his sophomore year, he had to really bear down and study hard.  Freshman year, away from home, away from nagging parents telling what to study, how to study and when to study, was a time of self-discovery.  He realized that he needed a lot more self-discipline than the thought he had.  But the first semester of his sophomore year is done.

Next, he needs to evaluate to see what his scholastic and career interests are.  Sometimes God opens doors and sometimes He closes them.  Alice and I pray for him, for his career, and for his spiritual re-awakening and desire for God.  At this time, we want him to pursue God his faith, not because of guilt, nor parental-pressures, but because he seeks the truth and sees the need for Christ in his live - for Christ in all our lives.

All summer, Ryan worked at the Comfort Inn Santa Monica.  At first, he didn't really want to work there, but after the first week, he realized that he had grown to enjoy working with staff and management.  After all, he is the grandson of the operating partner/owner.  He thrived at working the front desk, earning tips and accolades from guests for his helpful tips and tricks to tourist and guests.  He is now considering a career in the hospitality industry.  Maybe this fits his God-given talents and abilities.

In August 2017, he move into the Dorchester Apartments, a big apartment complex owned by SDSU about 1.5 miles from campus.  A school shuttle is available, but Ryan sometimes takes UBER for $2 one way.  We are all glad that Ryan gets along very well with his roommate Alex, from Norcal.  They are both asian, which makes living together easier (take off shoes, considerate of one another, etc.)

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