Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ryan attends Ben Howland Basketball Camp- July '08

Ryan's favorite sport is basketball. This summer, he was privileged to attend both the UCLA Basketball Camp and Ben Howland's Basketball Camp. At the beginning of this year he was playing Division 2 as the veterans of the group. Yet, he turned 10 and need to start playing Division 3 (ages 10-12) with the bigger kids in the Westside YMCA basketball league. One 12 year old was 5'-8" and needed to shave. It was going to be a challenge. Ryan can no longer drive to hoop as he easily as he did in Div.2.

In July, he first attended the UCLA Basketball Camp for a week. He met Ben Howland, some current men's varsity players and a few of the freshman star recruits for this season. He also met some of the best local basketball players around. He had to play scrimmage games against these top atheletes. It was tough, but he had a good attitude. He got to play on the Nell & John Wooden Court.

Next, he attended Ben Howland's basketball camp at Pacific Palisades H.S. for a week. I was more impressed with Ben Howland's camp than UCLA's because the assistant coaches offered more teaching/coaching than UCLA. UCLA's camp was good to meet and play against the top players in the area, but not much teaching or instruction. I guess this is where the future OJ Mayo and Kevin Love's meet and play against each other. I was impressed by Coach Howland's charisma. He made sure the kids (ages 5 to 13) were listening to him through steady eye contact. His coaching staff were very good. The mornings were spent learning and teaching and the afternoons were spent playing scrimmage games against other teams. The last day or two were the playoffs.

Ryan learned a lot about defense, his best skill, and playing against much bigger and taller boys. Because he and the other 10 yr olds were the youngest/smallest, they had to really push themselves to compete. In one game he scored over 10 pts when the opponents' defense double-team Ryan's team's best players, leaving Ryan open many times for the open layup or jump shot. This was good training for Ryan to move up from Div.2 to Div.3 at the Westside YMCA.

I'm not sure how much he improved, but he sure did have a lot of fun with his friends. I guess that's what counts for now.

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