Thursday, December 11, 2008

Year-in-Review/Christmas Newsletter - 2008

Thank you for visiting our blogspot to read about our family's trials and blessings for 2008. This is the first time we've written a newsletter or even a blog. The events of this past year has been life-changing, filled with trials and blessings. We just had to share. BTW, we did it online, not because we were trying to be eco-friendly, but because we were too lazy to print them all out.

Two major events marked this year. The first is the passing away of my mother, Ruth Ting. She died after struggling with a disease called Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), a disease of the stem cell in the bone marrow. Her body was unable to produce health red blood cells. In April this year, after 5-6 months of blood transfusions from friends and family, we decided to undergo chemotherapy through the Angeles Clinic at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica, CA. Unfortunately, she never recovered from the initial chemotherapy treatment and her body eventually weakened. Her bone marrow could no longer produce any healthy white blood cells and platelets. She developed complications from the disease, like shingles and constant fevers from infections. Her white blood count level was down to 200 (extremely low) on same days.

On Monday, August 11th, and Tuesday, August 12th, she gathered all her strength to tell us, the doctors, nurses and our family, that she wanted to "go home." We honored her wishes and she was home on Tuesday late afternoon. That night, we extended family members, pastors and her cell group/fellowship brethren all gathered to have a short worship service, pray for her and say goodbye (for now.) I could see in my mom's expression, though she didn't have the strength to speak nor open her eyes, that she could hear and worship God too. She passed away peacefully in her sleep that night. "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; " 1 Timothy 4:6,7. My mom has gone to be with the Lord. She is at peace. She is no longer suffering. She has fought the good fight. She has kept the faith.

I posted a few photos on my facebook profile.

The second major event was Henry's surfing accident on Sept. 30th. The accident happened on Tuesday, September 30th. I took Ryan and his 2 other friends to Santa Monica Beach to go boogie boarding. It was a beautiful day. I planned to take the day off because I had not spent much time with Ryan all summer due to my late mom's illness.

I had been in the water about 20-30 minutes enjoying the warm waters. I caught a nice 4-5' wave which picked me up and slammed me into the sand. It happened so fast - I was slammed face down. I heard a crunch and found myself floating face down underwater, fully conscious, and paralyzed from the neck down. I came to the grim realization that I had broken my neck and was going to drown if no one pulls me up soon. Many thoughts flashed before me: Alice, Erin & Ryan; do I have enough life insurance; the pain of drowning. I prayed to God in this deepest, darkest moment that He would spare me and not take me yet. I held my breath and prayed that Ryan or someone would find me soon. I worried that Ryan would not see me because he was with his friends trying to catch another wave, but thankfully, he looked back and saw me face down in the water. I could hear him calling me while I was underwater. As he approached he saw that I was face down with blood in the water all around my face. He must've been scared but he quickly pulled me up at the moment when I thought I couldn't hold my breath any longer. He lifted my head just high enough for me to gasp my first breath of air and cry "help" to him. I was able to tell them that I couldn't move and needed them help. Ryan, Conner and Fidel helped pull me to the shore where lifeguards quickly accessed my condition and secured my neck.

I broke my nose (3 stitches), bruised my face, had a small black eye and broke my neck (stable fracture of cervical spine C5 with minor cracks in the C6 & C7.) My neck took the brunt of the blow, either by over-extending his neck or the weight of the body compressing into his neck. I bruised my spinal cord. Because the fracture was stable, I thank God that I did not require surgery. But there is still swelling/edema between C5 and C6 that affected the nervous system.
After 3 nights at UCLA's Ronald Reagan Medical Center and 4 nights at Kaiser Sunset, I finally go to go home. The doctors were very pleased that I was recovering quite fast and well. By the first week of October, I still had some loss of mobility of his left side due to the edema in my spinal cord. According to my Kaiser surgeons, and western medicine, it was pretty much a waiting game at that point. We could only hope and pray that I did not suffer any permanent damage, and that we must wait till the swelling goes down. However, we consulted with the eastern medicine practitioners about acupuncture treatments. We were strongly encouraged to see a particular acupuncturist named Dr. Qineng Tan, from the Art of Wellness Center in Santa Monica. We called him to start acupuncture treatment right away. He made house calls at an additional charge. Dr. Tan, who is a 9th generation acupuncturist and a spinal surgeon/specialist in China, said acupuncture should help my edema to go down faster and to keep the blood flow to the right places. It's all about "chi" and "flow."

Today, I am nearly 75% recovered. Combining outpatient physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture treatments twice a week, and prayers from everyone, I plan to be healed 110%. God is making me, molding me, better than before. I still have to wear that big neck brace for at least 2 weeks, but I am glad to be alive and in considerable good spirits. God really answered my prayer. Yes, our family thanks God for His blessings; for Ryan's quick thinking and acting; and also for His protection. For spinal cord injuries, a few millimeters can mean the difference between recovery or permanent damage. Praise God. Thank you for all your prayers and concerns.

More gruesome pictures on my Facebook link:

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