Friday, December 18, 2009

Henry & Alice 2009

2009 was the year of recovery and restoration. Physical healing and emotional healing.

Throughout 2009, Henry continued to rehab through physical therapy, acupuncture therapy, jogging and now light weight-lifting. In mid-January '09, I began to drive myself to work, 3 days a week. Despite a minor rear-end accident, which set my rehab back by a month or so, I was still happy to go back to work part-time. And though I lost a key customer to competition and some drop in sales due to the economic crisis, I'm still grateful to be able to work and still support my family. Almost every medical professional that I encounter, who hears about my injury, are amazed by my near-full recovery. Nerves grow back 1/2 inch per year, but spinal chord damage is permanent. Today, I still suffer from numbness and tingling on my hands and legs, my left hand and my digestive system are still both very slow. However, I accept this slight inconvenience and reminder of my accident: "In my weakness, He is made strong."

In April 2009, our entire family went to Mazatlan, Mexico. (click HERE) We had a great time! We enjoyed the beach, the waters, sportfishing, massage therapy, and all fabulous meals included. It was our first family trip together without mom, yet we enjoyed our trip together as a family. For Henry, eating Mexican food every day was a dream come true!

In July, six families went to Yosemite (click HERE) and camped together for a week. We hiked, biked, ate and spent a lot of time in the river to escape the heat.

In September, our family bought a house in Santa Monica. Please read all about it and our interesting story of how and why we got this house. Click here.

Erin. For Erin's story, click HERE.
Alice is glad that Erin is able to take the bus home from school; is patiently waiting for her to change, get ready, change again. Alice is proud of Erin's courage to attend SAMOhi without knowing any new friends. She made new friends within a week. Erin also developed very close friendships from church.

Henry is proud that Erin learned to play bass guitar and now starting to sing, lead or backup vocals, for the Harvest Live worship service. Henry is happy Erin made the JV tennis team and can contribute to the success of the team. Henry was also proud that Erin performed in her school play, Beauty & The Beast. She played both a "Gaston-crazed" village girl and a "spoon" in the Beast's enchanted castle.

RYAN. For Ryan's story, click HERE.
Alice is looking forward to hearing Ryan play his french horn. Henry and Alice are proud that Ryan really enjoys Boys Scouts (BSA) and are really happy with the troop that we picked. Henry is glad that troop 144 has great leaders and wonderful scout activities. Most of all, we are thankful that our family is finally "all healthy." Ryan and Henry have a lot of bonding time together playing Xbox Live (gamer tag "heartfamily5".) Maybe too much fun? Ryan is Henry's hero (rescuer from the waves.)

Henry is blessed to have Alice in his life. Alice has been such a blessing to Henry, Dad and the entire family. At a fellowship gathering, one of our friends called Alice "the rock." Thoughout all the trials of 2008 and 2009, she has the been taking care of all of us.

If God puts trials in those whom he loves, then He must really love us! Alice and I have grown spiritually together so much this year.


In loving memory of Mom.
"A woman of noble character who blessed our lives with love, faith and devotion. A true gift from God, and example to all who knew her. Your cherished memory will forever live in our hearts."

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