Monday, December 14, 2009

Erin Ting 2009

Hi everyone! My name is Erin Ting, I am a 14 years old, and am a proud freshman viking at SAMOhi (Santa Monica High School.)

It’s been another quick year filled with new memories. In June, I happily graduated from Emerson middle school and had high hopes for high school. I decided that I would like to go to Santa Monica high school to start brand new. I had only a few distant friends there and I sort of wanted to just start brand new with the year.

When summer finally came, I had a lot of things planned out. My drama class raised enough money to go on a trip to New York. I enjoyed the place so much. It was a week of sight seeing, shopping, plays, and even a day at New Jersey’s six flags! When I came back, I relaxed only a short time before getting ready to go to Yosemite with my family and other church families.

As soon as I got back, I packed my bags once again and left for another year of Navajo missions. With experience from last year, I was ready for anything. This year went great. The VBS material was fun, our team was prepared and God was with us throughout the trip. When I came back, my summer was coming to an end and I was ready for school.

Now, I am at SAMOhi and I love it. It is the new start I wanted and with new friends and a new attitude. I was on the JV tennis team, but since the season just ended, I’m unsure of what I will do for the second semester.

On Sunday, December 20th, I was baptized. I am absolutely ready to accept God into my heart and I've been pretty active in the church. I'm on the worship team playing the electric bass and singing vocals. It's a lot of fun. As the year comes to an end, I realized that my family had only hit a few speed bumps such as my brother’s illness and a couple other surprises…and I am ready for whatever will come this new year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With love ,
Erin Ting

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