Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ryan's Year in Review

Seattle/Bellevue, WA with cousins

Rialto Beach, Olympic NP, Washington

Pool shark.  Vegas Spring Break

  • Ryan turns 12 Y.O.
  • Gastritus
  • Dodger game
  • Seattle/Olympic NP Summer Trip
  • Henry's Accident Memorial BBQ
  • TKD Red II Testing
  • Baptism
  • My friends and I who saved my dad from drowning
    Dodger Game - No more gastritus!
  • Favorite Video Games
Hi my name is Ryan Ting and i an 12 year old seventh grader at paul revere middle school. Unfortunately i had a bad case of gastritis for 3 and a half months.  because of this, i had to skip 2 months of school. On the other hand i got to sit only a few seats away from the field.  we could actually see the players without the binoculars! .  We also went to seattle where we got eat at the space needle.  you could se the planes passing without looking up..  after our city tour we went into the rain forest where we slept in cabins and had a bus tour.  when we got off we went on a hike and found banana slugs.  they were about 5 inches long.  

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