Monday, December 13, 2010

Henry & Alice's Year in Review

Vegas Spring Break
Vegas Spring Break - Beatles show

  • Dad got remarried.
  • Henry went to Taiwan in March 2010 to attend the EFC General Assembly annual meeting. Experienced the earthquake in Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
  • Visited Vegas during Spring Break. We loved Beatles' LOVE.
  • Ryan got Gastritus in May and lasted 3-4 months. Missed 6 weeks of school. Lost 10 lbs. This was a real test of our faith.  Yet God restored Ryan and he is healthier and stronger than ever.  Praise God!
  • July 7, 2010 Dodger game. Ryan regains his appetite and able to hold down food.
  • Erin returns Arizona for Navajo VBS Missions.
  • Seattle, Bellevue, Olympic NP. Visited Auntie Mei-Hwa and cousins Becky & Mark, and Albert& Charlene.
  • VHS (Venice High School) 30th Reunion.  Photo of Henry from June 1980.
  • BBQ for my rescuers, Fidel, Conner & Ryan.  Read about my accident in 2008.
  • EFC 40th Anniversary.
  • Henry's nose surgery, 11/1/10.
  • Dodger games & Dodger Dogs
  • Ryan's Baptism, 12/19/10.
My heroes: Ryan, Fidel & Conner
    Before Surgery(after '08 accident)
    After Surgery.

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