Monday, December 13, 2010

Erin's 2010 Year in Review

My name is Erin Ting, I’m a 15 year old sophomore at Santa Monica high school and 2010 was yet another pretty amazing year. I honestly can’t believe how fast it all went by. Just yesterday I swore I was celebrating the start of the new year on the snowy peaks of Pine Summit, the place where my church’s winter retreat is held. And just a few weeks ago I was celebrating my survival of freshman year at SAMOhi. Flash forward to now. The year is ending and here I am to ramble my thoughts down on this blog.
Rialto Beach, Olympic Nat.Park, Washington
I guess the year started off on a retreat up in the snowcapped mountains and shortly after, a long drive home curled up in the back of my parents car. I guess you could say that I started this year off pretty badly. I had gotten sick during the retreat and had to leave early so I could rest. The healing process was short and I was back up and energized for the rest of the year.

Summer came quickly signaled the end of my first year in high school. I ended the semester with solid friendships, a good dose of God in my life, and a smile on my face. I was going to take summer school over the break to avoid having to get up early during next semester. World history wasn’t half bad and my teacher made class fun and exciting. The six week course ended quickly and soon, I was off to my summer missions trip in Page, Arizona. It was my 3rd trip to the Navajo reservation where we’d teach VBS and play with the kids for a week. Having a bigger team let me slow down and really look at what I was doing there, but before I knew it, the week was over and we were heading back to LA.
Sophomore year started with a… roll. Not necessarily a Bang!, but a nice steady roll. That gets us to now, where I’m juggling friends, God, and school work. Sometimes in the right order, but most of the time not. I’m probably going to start studying for a driver permit and Christmas is right around the corner. Although I’m not feeling all that festive yet, I wish you all a happy holidays and a fantastic new year.

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